
Pilgrim Patuá & Keratin Smoothening Hair Mask – 200g

Original price was: ৳ 1,490.00.Current price is: ৳ 1,380.00.

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Pilgrim Patuá & Keratin Smoothening Hair Mask

For hair craving a touch of the Amazon rainforest, the Pilgrim Patuá & Keratin Smoothening Hair Mask is your answer. This luxurious mask, crafted with a unique blend of natural and scientific ingredients, transforms dry, frizzy, and damaged hair into a mane of smooth, radiant beauty.

The star of the show is Patuá oil, a hidden gem from the Amazon rich in Omega-9. This potent ingredient deeply moisturizes and strengthens hair from the inside out, restoring elasticity and shine. Keratin, a renowned hair hero, joins forces with Patuá to smooth frizz, repair damage, and add a touch of luxurious shine. This powerful duo, along with other nourishing ingredients, leaves your hair feeling silky smooth, manageable, and irresistibly healthy.

Pilgrim Patuá & Keratin Smoothening Hair Mask price in Bangladesh

Pilgrim Patuá & Keratin Smoothening Hair Mask price in Bangladesh is 1380 taka at


  • Patuá Oil: Rich in Omega-9, this Amazonian treasure strengthens hair fibers, deeply moisturizes, and promotes shine.
  • Keratin: This protein smoothes frizz, repairs damage, and adds a healthy, glossy sheen.
  • Other Nourishing Ingredients: The exact blend may vary but often includes additional hydrating and conditioning ingredients to further enhance hair health.


  • Deep Hydration: Say goodbye to dryness! Patuá oil and other nourishing ingredients deeply moisturize hair, leaving it soft, supple, and manageable.
  • Frizz Control: Tame unruly frizz with the smoothing power of Keratin. This mask helps control frizz for a sleek, polished look.
  • Damage Repair: Restore your hair’s strength and elasticity with Keratin, which helps repair damage caused by heat styling, coloring, and environmental factors.
  • Shine Boost: Get ready for radiant hair! This mask adds a healthy shine that leaves your locks looking vibrant and healthy.
  • Safe for Most Hair Types: Free of parabens, sulfates, and mineral oil, this gentle formula is suitable for most hair types, including dry, frizzy, damaged, and color-treated hair.

How to Use

  • Cleanse: Wash your hair with your regular shampoo and conditioner.
  • Apply: Apply a generous amount of the mask from mid-lengths to ends, focusing on dry or damaged areas. You can also apply a light amount to the roots for extra nourishment.
  • Relax: Sit back and relax for 10-15 minutes. Allow the mask to work its magic and deeply nourish your hair.
  • Rinse: Rinse the mask thoroughly with lukewarm water.
  • Style: Style your hair as usual. Enjoy the smooth, manageable, and radiant results!


Q: Is this hair mask suitable for all hair types?

A: This mask is ideal for dry, frizzy, or damaged hair. However, if you have oily hair, it’s best to apply the mask only to the mid-lengths and ends to avoid weighing down your roots.

Q: Can I use heat with this hair mask?

A: While heat activation isn’t necessary, you can wrap your hair in a warm towel for deeper penetration of the mask’s benefits.

Q: Is this product free of harsh chemicals?

A: Yes! The Pilgrim Patuá & Keratin Smoothening Hair Mask is free of parabens, sulfates, and mineral oil, making it gentle enough for most hair types.

Q: How long will this 200gm tub last?

A: The longevity depends on hair length and thickness. With regular use, a tub can last 4-6 weeks.

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