Dr. Sheth’s Tea Tree & Lactic Acid Body Lotion

৳ 890.00৳ 1,190.00

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Dr. Sheth’s Tea Tree & Lactic Acid Body Lotion

Unveiling the secret to smoother, clearer body skin, Dr. Sheth’s Tea Tree & Lactic Acid Body Lotion is a multitasking marvel. This dermatologist-designed formula tackles uneven texture, body acne, and pesky “strawberry legs” (keratosis pilaris) with a powerful yet gentle approach.

The hero ingredients are a carefully curated blend of AHAs (alpha hydroxy acids) and BHAs (beta hydroxy acids). Lactic acid, the star AHA, works wonders by gently exfoliating the skin’s surface, buffing away dead skin cells that contribute to roughness and bumps. Salicylic acid, the BHA teammate, delves deeper to unclog pores and prevent breakouts.

But Dr. Sheth’s Tea Tree & Lactic Acid Body Lotion isn’t all about exfoliation. Tea tree oil, a natural anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial ingredient, soothes irritation and combats acne-causing bacteria. Licorice extract, another key player, brings its brightening power to the table, helping to even out skin tone and reduce hyperpigmentation.

This lightweight, non-sticky lotion absorbs quickly, leaving your skin feeling soft, hydrated, and refreshed.

Dr. Sheth’s Tea Tree & Lactic Acid Body Lotion

price in Bangladesh

Dr. Sheth’s Tea Tree & Lactic Acid Body Lotion price is 890 Taka in Bangladesh at orpa.com.bd.

Select Variant

200ML, 300ML


  • Lactic Acid (AHA): A gentle alpha hydroxy acid that helps remove dead skin cells, promoting smoother texture and brighter tone.
  • Salicylic Acid (BHA): This beta hydroxy acid penetrates deeper to unclog pores and reduce body acne breakouts.
  • Tea Tree Oil: Known for its antibacterial properties, tea tree oil helps soothe irritation and prevent future breakouts.
  • Licorice Extract: A natural skin brightener that helps even out skin tone and reduce hyperpigmentation.


  • Reduces Body Acne & Keratosis Pilaris: The exfoliating power of lactic and salicylic acids helps clear clogged pores and eliminate bumpy texture associated with body acne and keratosis pilaris.
  • Exfoliates & Smoothes Skin Texture: By gently removing dead skin cells, this lotion promotes smoother, softer skin with a renewed appearance.
  • Deeply Hydrates & Nourishes: This lightweight, non-greasy formula hydrates the skin without leaving it feeling sticky or heavy.
  • Evens Skin Tone & Brightens: Licorice extract helps reduce hyperpigmentation and promotes a more even, radiant complexion.

How to Use

  1. Apply a generous amount of lotion to clean, dry skin on your arms, legs, and torso.
  2. Massage gently into the skin until fully absorbed.
  3. For best results, use daily.


Q: Can I use this lotion on sensitive skin?

A: While Dr. Sheth’s Tea Tree & Lactic Acid Body Lotion is formulated to be gentle, it’s always recommended to do a patch test on a small area of your arm before applying it all over. If you experience any irritation, discontinue use.

Q: How often can I use this product?

A: This lotion is suitable for daily use on normal and oily skin types. If you have dry or sensitive skin, you may want to start with every other day and gradually increase frequency as tolerated.

Q: Is this lotion safe to use during pregnancy?

A: Always consult your doctor before using any new skincare product during pregnancy.

Q: Will this lotion help with dark spots on my body?

A: Licorice extract in this lotion can help reduce hyperpigmentation and even out skin tone over time. However, for stubborn dark spots, you may want to consider a targeted dark spot treatment.

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